Your bathroom should be a place where you can relax and take care of important things like getting ready to start your day, so if your bathroom is looking old and you don’t feel like going in there very much, you should be thinking about bathroom remodeling.
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Many people are putting off a bathroom remodel for various reasons and if you are one of the many who finds themselves weighing whether a bathroom renovation is a project you want to take on, we have compiled these four benefits of renovating your bathroom so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your household.
Bathroom makeovers are no easy task, they take many hours of planning, at least a month of construction when everything goes right and a good amount of money to complete. Most people find out that these inconveniences are more than outweighed by the benefits of bathroom remodeling though.
Study these four benefits of bathroom remodeling and you will gain a clearer picture of the outcomes you can expect from a bathroom remodel. Remember that the sooner you decide to remodel your bathroom, the more time you will get to spend enjoying it.
Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly
A bathroom uses a lot of resources, mainly water and electricity. A big reason many people want to remodel is to use the latest technology to save resources and save money on their monthly bills.
Technology has made bathrooms so much more efficient that they hardly use any resources at all. Low flush toilets, smart shower heads and energy efficient light fixtures have come a long way in recent times and you no longer have to sacrifice comfort to save energy and go easier on the planet.
If your bathroom has older fixtures, it is wasting some serious amounts of resources that you are paying for. Save some money while you are saving the planet by remodeling your bathroom with the latest technologies.
To help use even less resources, you can catch up with the trend of recycling old bathroom fixtures like sinks and clawfoot bathtubs. It is very fashionable to have retro home furnishings now, and while you are being stylish you will also be keeping these good items out of landfills.
So by upgrading your bathroom with all the newest and best technologies that will make your life better, you will also be doing something good for the planet and all the living creatures it supports.
Gain Smarter Storage
When working with your bathroom remodeling service you will be able to study your bathroom space and figure out the most precise ways of getting as much storage as you need. People with newly remodeled bathrooms are always surprised by how much better all their things fit into the bathroom.
Especially if you are feeling like you are always battling to keep your bathroom free of clutter, a bathroom remodel will make room for everything you need. It is really frustrating to not have enough space in the bathroom, and a bathroom remodel can fix that problem.
You can work with your bathroom contractors to design the perfect cabinets to maximize your bathroom space and make room for everything you need, while making it all look beautiful. Custom bathroom cabinets will use your space in a precise fashion so that you can fit everything you need into them.
Maybe you even have enough space, but your bathroom cabinets and vanities look bulky, outdated and ugly. You can work with master craftsmen to design bathroom storage to look good to you and fit all the items you need inside. Smarter storage space is a huge benefit of bathroom remodeling.
Easier To Clean
If you are finding yourself spending way too much time trying to get your old bathroom to look clean, a bathroom remodel might be needed to get the results you want. Old bathrooms with years of dirt build up, bad lighting and poorly designed spaces can be almost impossible to clean properly.
If your bathroom tiles or the shower stall are just always looking a little grimy, no matter how much scrubbing you do, they might just be worn out and need to be replaced. With a newly remodeled bathroom it will be much easier to clean everything because you won’t be cleaning a stain from a decade ago.
Old lighting can make a bathroom appear dirty and downright scary. Bathroom remodeling and installing new light fixtures could make your bathroom look so much better that you will spend half the time cleaning it as you were before.
Some bathrooms are poorly designed and can have places that are difficult to reach with a mop or are always staying wet and growing unsightly mold. A bathroom remodel can fix those problems so that your remodeled bathroom will be easier to clean and you will feel a lot better about being in there.
Give Yourself Spa Treatment, Everyday
Your bathroom should be a sanctuary where you can make yourself look and feel better. If you are having trouble relaxing in your bathroom because it is too old or not your style, you need to give yourself the gift of a bathroom remodel.
One trend in bathroom remodeling is to incorporate living plants that make you feel like you are in a jungle. Plants are known to make people feel more calm and relaxed. They will give you fresh air and they add so much beauty to a space.
It is easier than ever to add a heated floor to a bathroom, and because bathrooms are small it really doesn’t cost that much. Imagine waking up on a cold winter’s morning and stepping onto a heated floor!
Getting a new shower head that can make you feel like you are soaking under a waterfall would be a great way to start your days. Or imagine installing a skylight in your bathroom and soaking in your bathtub under the moonlight!
There are so many fun ways to turn your bathroom into a luxurious spa experience, why not give yourself that?
Call us today to schedule an appointment or ask for a free estimate and design. You can also check us on Houzz anytime.