Design for the Family

Modern kitchen with window and sink

Smart Kitchen Design Ideas for Kids in the Kitchen

If you have children, design your kitchen with them in mind. You work in the kitchen often and know that pull or tap asking for something or seeking to “help”. Having children close when working in the kitchen is a great way to watch them and teach them how to prepare a meal or bake.

Considerations when designing a kitchen with kids:

4 smart kitchen design ideas to work with kids in the kitchen:

1. Safety! – First, define what role your children will have and where are the limits. Do you want them to have their own prep area or integrated into the main kitchen areas. Certain things should be out of reach for safety and some elements should be at child height.

2. Let them See! ! – We design clear sight lines and with clearances for you to keep your eyes on children when they are in the kitchen.

3. Give them working space – Kids always want to have something of their own – it’s basic human need. We work with you to design a space for them – to work, keep organized and (hopefully) clean. We can lower counter top heights and add accessible storage down low to make them feel it is their space.

4. Storage – never seems to be enough – The Storage you design today for toys and play items will evolve into paint and art supplies and additional storage tomorrow. We have found it is nearly impossible for a kitchen to have too much storage.

These are a few smart kitchen design ideas for designing with children in mind when in your kitchen. Your kitchen designer has additional insights and ideas, don’t hesitate to ask questions to make sure you have a family and child-friendly kitchen.

Modern kitchen with window and sink


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